Available Feldenkrais® Classes
Some Feldenkrais classes are being conducted in person and some virtually via Zoom. There are going to be no hybrid classes starting September 2023. Click the button under any of the Feldenkrais classes listed below to either register or contact the practitioner for more info. Private Sessions are in-person.

Private Feldenkrais Classes with Aliza
Contact Aliza to schedule a consultation and discuss how private sessions can improve your overall state of being. With individual attention you can address the poor habits that have negatively impacted your neuromuscular systems and led to your current issues. A private session is also designed to work with people who have very serious movement limitations and cannot join a group class.

Feldenkrais Class
The system of joints & how to improve it
Dates: Mondays, at 10:30 am, in person or virtually, starting September 16 and ending on November 4, 2024.
Cost: $240 for the whole series, paid in advance, through PayPal. No drop-in available. If price is a barrier or you prefer to send a check instead of PayPal, please send me an email to alizastewart@gmail.com.
You will receive a Zoom link after signing up.
Recordings of the classes will be provided to everyone, after each class. This means that even if you have to miss a class, you will still be able to do the lesson at home.

Advanced Feldenkrais
Motion is Lotion: learn how to lubricate stiff joints
The virtual class will meet on Mondays, at 3:30 pm, on the same dates.

Vitality, Mobility, and Stability for Healthy Adults age 65 and older
In the title for this class you find the three most important skills we would like to keep into our advancing years – Stability and mobility, which together add up to vitality. The movement lessons are gentle and easy to do, but keep the nervous system agile and alert. You will feel your muscle tone improve and your problem-solving ability as nimble as ever.
This series includes 7 classes. New sessions TBA.
If you are interested, please email me at alizastewart@gmail.com and let me know. When we have enough demand I will schedule the class so everyone can attend.
The fee is $175 USD (approx: 155 Euros, 225 Canadian dollar, 543 Shekels) for the whole series, paid in advance. Those who pay in advance for the whole series will have access to all 7 recordings. This means that even if you have to miss a class, you will still be able to do the lesson at home. If price is a barrier, please send me an email at alizastewart@gmail.com.

Feldenkrais For Musicians:
Virtual Class: Avoid injury & improve your playing
Why join my special class for musicians instead of the class for the general public? Because the organizing principle in the life of a musician is sound. We know when we dance that sound informs the body and its movement, and, in turn, movement informs sound. We need to move our body in order to play. When we improve our movement, we improve our playing.
The class will run for 6 consecutive weeks on Mondays at 12 pm EDT (9:00 PT, 5:00 Britain, 6:00 Europe), starting September 30 and ending on November 4, 2024.
The fee is $180 USD for the whole series (6 classes), paid in advance through PayPal. No drop-in available. Recordings of the classes will be provided to everyone, after each class. This means that even if you have to miss a class, you will still be able to do the lesson at home.
You will receive a Zoom link after signing up.
Private Sessions
Contact Aliza to schedule a consultation and discuss your particular issues with playing your instrument or improving your voice.
The private sessions not only help with playing related injuries, but can also improve your overall state of being. The sessions will involve not only hands on treatment, but also working with your instrument.

Acrobatics and Dance
For movement artists to achieve long and fruitful relationships with their craft requires an ongoing and ever-evolving relationship to motor learning. Whether your practice is professional or recreational, Feldenkrais offers a way to hone your movement learning process and access your full expressive potential while reducing pain and injury. With the aid of this method, you can find a way of practicing your discipline, whether that be aerial acrobatics or ballet, that best suits your unique body and nervous system- and that brings you joy!

Hyper-Mobility & Hyperextended Joints
Hypermobility, whether a result of diagnosed Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or manifesting separately, comes with a unique set of challenges for the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. With the increased risk of soft tissue injury even in everyday activities, building body awareness and movement skills is crucial. By working with gentle, low-risk movements, focussing on the “how” of movement rather than a goal-oriented end result, Feldenkrais can help us find more options for healthy, enjoyable movement while reducing underlying pain.

Queer Community
For those of us who are of queer identity or experience, seeking care of any sort can be frought with anxiety. Will my gender identity be seen and respected? Is it ok for me to talk about my partner or relationships with a new provider? Will my body be treated as whole and valid? Am I at risk of violence? This can create tension with and disconnection from caring for our physical selves, on top of that which results from dysmorphia or previous trauma. Feldenkrais offered by a queer (trans enby) practitioner is a way to feel into physical self-care that is nonjudgmental, non-goal-oriented, and entirely self-directed. For trans siblings, increased positive connection to physical movement can alleviate some of the heavy psychological load that dysmorphia sets on us. For all queer community, this work will aid you in gaining greater awareness of your singular way of inhabiting the world.